Sunday, January 26, 2020

Epiphany 3 - The Kingdom Has Come Near

Isaiah 9:1-14; Matthew 4:12-23 - Children's Sunday

So. Today, we heard Jesus talking about the kingdom of heaven coming near. What do you think he means?

What do you think the kingdom of heaven looks like? 

Jesus actually talks about in the Gospel reading that we’re going to hear next Sunday, in what we call the Beatitudes, but I want to know what you think. What do you think it looks like?

Do you think Jesus really means that it will look like a kingdom, with a king or a queen?

In a way, he does, because he was talking to people who lived with a king, and an emperor. They didn’t live like we do, they didn’t get to choose who their leader was. If the king or the emperor was a terrible man, they had to live with that. So Jesus used the word kingdom because that’s what the people back then understood. But he could have used the word country, too, and talked about a ruler.

But who do you think would be the ruler of the kingdom of heaven?

It would be God, of course. And what kind of ruler do you think God might be?

The Bible actually gives us some hints on that. The Bible says that God brings light to the darkness, and rescues the people who were taken far away. It says that God brings people great joy, and frees them from anyone who is abusing them. It says that God will hide us from our enemies, and protect us. It says that God will always welcome us.

So what do think the kingdom of heaven might look like?

I think it looks like a place where everybody is equal to everyone else, and nobody tries to hurt each other, and everybody has what they need to live, and they can be who they are and be loved. Does that sound about right to you?

So Jesus said another really important thing in our reading from this morning. Jesus said, “the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Has come near. What do you think that means?

He meant that when people follow him, like Andrew and Peter did, then they learn how to be part of this kingdom of heaven. And then they would help others to follow Jesus––he calls it fishing for people––and then they, too, would learn how to be part of the kingdom of heaven.

They would learn how to treat everyone equally, and how to help people not to hurt each other, and how to make sure everyone has what they need, and how to love everyone just as they are. 

And so Jesus said, “the kingdom of heaven has come near,” because he was telling everyone who was listening that all of these good ways of living was coming near in him, and to everyone who followed him.

Now here’s the thing, Jesus wasn’t just talking to his disciples a long time ago. He’s talking to us here today, too. We are followers of Jesus, aren’t we? And so Jesus is telling us to follow him and learn how to bring the kingdom of heaven near by doing all those things.

Do you think it would be good for the world if the kingdom of heaven was near? Or even here?
What might the world look like if the kingdom of heaven was here?

So here’s my big question for you:

How do you think we’re doing?

Do you think the church is doing a good job of following Jesus and being part of the kingdom of heaven?

So, do you think the kingdom of heaven has come near, like Jesus says? What do you see?

Can I tell you what I see?

I see a church where people with all different ages come and are welcome and are friends.

I see a church where people come from all different kinds of church backgrounds and are welcome. There are people here who didn’t grow up Lutheran, like you are, and they are welcome.

I see people here who have lots of money and people here who don’t have very much at all.

I see people who don’t have kids and people who do.

I see people who are married and people who don’t ever want to be married.

I see people who are sick and people who are healthy.

I see people who have lots of different opinions about things like government, and the environment, and the economy, and the best football team, but still love each other and take care of other and treat each other equally.

I see people who are all very different from one another, but we all follow Jesus, and that’s what brings us together, and so we love each other and try not to hurt each other and take care of each other. I see that the kingdom of heaven has come near, and that we are following Jesus and bringing it even nearer.

And you know what? I believe that if we keep doing this in church, and at home, and at school, and at work, and everywhere that we are––if we keep loving everybody for who they are, and helping them, and treating them the same no matter who they are, then I believe that the kingdom of heaven will come to the whole world, not just the church. 

What do you think? 

Do you think that’s something we can all keep doing together?

Let’s try. 

And let’s pray, to ask God to help us. Dear God, thank you for your kingdom. Thank you for Jesus. Help us to follow Jesus. Help us to love everyone. Help us to bring your kingdom near. Thank you for loving us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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